Lucas Mosing, a graduate of the class of 2014, is known by teens and video game fans as FaZe Blaze, a YouTuber apart of the esports organization “FaZe Clan. Since starting his channel in 2013, he has amassed over 3.2 million subscribers playing video games and recording his daily life.
Mosing credited his time at Gunn with helping him develop real-world skills. “In general, people skill wise, Gunn taught me how to just be a good human,” he said.
His experience at Gunn was also overall positive, and he was able to juggle gaming with his schoolwork. “Life at Gunn was fire, it was just really laid back for me,” he said. “I didn’t really feel that competitive atmosphere that a lot of kids talk about.”
YouTube actually began as a hobby for Mosing who started his channel while he was at school, but his channel quickly grew and he began to receive opportunities as a result of his success in gaming. “[The channel] kind of popped off for me while I was in high school,” he said. “Money was a big factor, I was making good money right in high school so there was already a path for me to continue making money [after graduating].”
After uploading hundreds of videos and spending hours in his channel, Mosing eventually made the decision to attempt to join FaZe Clan, an organization that competes in video game competitions around the world. “I did this recruitment challenge called the FaZe Five for two years and I didn’t get in [the first year],” Mosing said. “On the second year I put myself on the radar of some of the leaders, who started to know who I was.” He got in on the second year and now currently is part of the group, living at the FaZe house and getting to run his channel as a profession.
Mosing catapulted to fame after joining FaZe Clan, and now he is a Youtube star, with his life broadcasted upon social media. “My life is an open book, I don’t care what people know about me,” he said.
Beyond just having a greater social media presence, Mosing’s new career has given him the freedom to do what he wants and explore different passions. “I’m just a super happy person, it’s just exactly what I want to be doing and everything I do is with positivity and enthusiasm,” Mosing said.
His favorite thing about his job is the people he has been able to meet. “I’ve developed some friendships with some lit people that I’ve been with for years,” he said. One of the people he has become friends with is the rapper Schoolboy Q, who was his neighbor when they first began their friendship.
While gaming is a large part of Mosing’s life and YouTube channel, another passion he has is making music, and his success online has given him the opportunity to pursue this. “My biggest goal for the longest time has been to tour the world off my music and travel,” he said.
If Mosing could give any advice to himself at Gunn, he would tell himself not to stress as much. “If you really want something, and you’re actually 100% about it, you will find a way of getting it and making it happen,” he said.
Overall, Mosing is happy where he is in his life and career. “It’s pretty lit 24/7, every day is kind of just like a Saturday,” he said.