Summer plants to help you start your very own garden

Graphic by Jocelyn Wang

Strawberries are staple summer fruits that are easy to grow at home, requiring little maintenance while still making a delicious snack. Strawberries require at least 8 hours of sunlight per day, which can be easily found during the summer. An important tip to remember when growing this fruit is to space the plants 6 inches apart and to thoroughly cover the roots, but leave the buds exposed. An ideal time to plant them is in June, as the earlier that the berries are planted, the more berries will grow. Once the strawberries have grown, the best time to pick them is when they are red and about to ripen.

Squashes come in many different varieties. From yellow squash to patty pan to zucchini, these fruits grow best in warm soil, making them perfect to cultivate over the summer. Summer squashes are easy to grow and highly productive. This vegetable requires lots of sunlight, moisture and rich soil, and will grow in about 40 days. They should be harvested at least twice a week, then stored in the fridge or frozen. After the plant passes the flowering stage, it will grow quickly. Larger squashes have tougher skins and seeds, making them well-suited for baking. Because summer squash come in many different varieties, they can be extremely versatile and can be used in many different dishes.

The Sunflower is a classic flower that represents summer. They grow best in full sunlight and can thrive in any type of nutrient-rich soil when watered regularly. Sunflowers grow tall and can blow over, so they should be planted against a fence or wall. Sunflowers can be directly planted into the soil or transferred to the garden as seedlings, although they grow faster when directly seeded. For the best results, the flowers should be planted in soil that is consistently 70-75 degrees Fahrenheit. Sunflower  seeds can be used to make bird feed,roasted and consumed as a snack, or used as a topping on a meal.