Tips for staying organized while learning from home

1. Keep a Planner: 

Before you start organizing your school work, you must organize your time first. Start with purchasing a journal or use an old notebook. Next, write down all of your assignments, projects and tests into your planner with the date next to each entry. This will help you remember your deadlines and will serve as the foundation to your success.

2. Maintain a Clean Work Space:

In the era of Zoom classes, it’s especially important to have a workplace that’s clean and open; after all, this kind of environment can help boost productivity and efficiency. Having a designated place in your house to do work can help you build the habit of a routine work schedule. 

3. Work in Intervals and Take Breaks:

Once you have established a schedule and a clean workspace, the challenge becomes sticking to that routine. For starters, try to work in 30-60 minute periods of time without pausing. Then, give yourself a break as a reward. 

4. Rid Yourself of Distractions:

Often, students struggle with focusing on one particular thing at a time.With the amount of distractions around us within the confinement of our homes, it’s easy to see why. Keep your workplace free of distractions, whether that be your phone, a TV or even a pet.