English Teacher Kate Weymouth
English teacher Kate Weymouth believes that clothing style is a reflection of somebody’s personality and interests. “Your taste [in clothing] is the culmination of everything you’ve seen over the course of your life,” she said. “You’re picking up these little pieces along the way and exploring all of these different tastes [to find out] the style that truly suits you the best.”
While she has a realm of fashion she is most comfortable with, Weymouth also enjoys finding pieces that push her past her typical tastes. “I think it’s just about finding a balance between comfort and going a little bit out of your comfort zone,” she said.
Although Weymouth Wprefers dresses with softer colors, she also enjoys experimenting with contrasting elements to make things more interesting. “I sometimes stray away from what feels most natural,” Weymouth said. “I like to play around with proportions, patterns and colors.”
According to Weymouth, the key to developing a clothing style is to find something that fits the wearer and the kind of person they are. “When you put everything [together] in your wardrobe, it should feel like one coherent wardrobe, because a wardrobe should ultimately be an expression of who you are,” she said.