Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

Nico Chou: Senior Class Vice President

Hi, class of 2023! I’m Nico Chou, and I’m running for Senior class vice president! I love the school spirit aspect of student activities and I hope to up our game for next year—our final year at Gunn. This year, I participated in airbands, the homecoming obstacle course and bucket head competitions, and the winter ping pong tournament, just to name a few. Likewise, if you were at any of the water polo, football, or basketball games that I attended, you probably heard me furiously screaming in favor of Gunn. Having already been an avid participant in spirit activities, the Senior VP position would allow me to have a more direct impact and greater influence on class spirit. Specifically, I would love to continue the traditions of first-day dress-up and senior sunrise. Additionally, I hope to increase participation and enthusiasm for class events by appealing to as many students as possible. This being our last year at Gunn, I want everyone to have the opportunity to participate in and enjoy student activities to their fullest potential. My goal is to provide the best and most inclusive senior year experience possible, so vote Nico Chou!

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