Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

Marc Igler

English teacher Marc Igler is retiring after teaching at Gunn for 21 years, coaching the boys’ golf team for nine years and being an active member in the Palo Alto Educators Association.

After working as a newspaper reporter, Igler began his teaching career at Gunn. Since then, he has never thought of working anywhere else. “I’ve worked at places before that are lousy,” he said. “Gunn has always had a reputation for hiring good people and letting them do their thing. That’s what has kept me here.” Igler’s favorite memory from his time at Gunn is creating engaging games in the classroom. “I love trying to figure out ways to present information that are fun and interesting,” he said. Igler will miss the experimentation that comes with teaching the most.

In the future, Igler plans to give historic walking tours around San Francisco, continue to play golf and review more books. “I’m really not worried about staying busy,” he said. Igler hopes that his enthusiasm for English and teaching has made students interested in the topic. “I would like to be remembered as a highly spirited English teacher who came to work with an irritating level of enthusiasm, and who looked forward to teaching every day,” he said.

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