Worst: The Village
Disclaimer: this ranking is an objective evaluation of the buildings themselves, not of the classes or clubs that take place within them. That being said, the V-Buildings, also known as the Village (affectionately or derogatorily, depending on whom one talks to), is the most painfully located, visually disgusting “building” most students have ever had the misfortune of encountering. The V-Buildings are simply incapable of sparking joy in any way possible. The Village did not even employ air conditioning until recently, which makes one shudder to think of the conditions past students must have endured in late-summer heat waves such as these. Not to mention the bathroom situation—the girls’ bathroom stalls do not lock all the way, the dispensers are perpetually out of soap and toilet paper is a rare find in one of these portable stalls. The inconvenient location means that a walk from the quad to the Village takes up five minutes of valuable passing period time unless students are willing to sacrifice their dignity by speed-walking or, God forbid, outright sprinting. Simply put, no one ever comes to the Village voluntarily.

On staff since January 2021, junior Carly Liao is a Forum editor for The Oracle. Outside of the newspaper, she enjoys running, doing crossword puzzles...