Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

Maya Perkash: Senior Class President

Maya Perkash: Senior Class President

Hey Class of ‘24! I’m Maya Perkash, and I’m running to be your Senior Class President! For the past two years, I’ve been on SEC as Class VP, and throughout that, I’ve learned all the ins and outs of leading the class, organizing events, and, of course, dominating homecoming. During this time, I’ve worked on projects like Homecoming week, Club Fairs, dances, Cozy Snowmance & Love Week, Class Council, merch offerings and more. This year, I focused on revamping class publicity by prioritizing early, frequent, and engaging graphics, along with implementing a class blast email and feedback forms to go with it. I organized Junior Winter Grams and helped make the first ever Junior Gunn-PALY movie night a reality. The past two years we’ve seen huge strides in success: For example, we went from ranking last in floats Sophomore year to coming in first as Juniors, going from 15 to 50 airband participants, and tripling our grams sales between the years. I want to make sure that senior year doesn’t just live up to the standards we’ve set, but also blows those out of the water. For HOCO, I’m going to pull on what we found worked and didn’t work over the past two years to ensure that we meet the goals of at least 85 airbands signups, at least 50 people involved with floats, the LOUDEST cheering class and winning every event. But senior year isn’t just about homecoming. First week events and second semester celebrations are just as important, and as your president, I want to organize things like senior sunrise and sunset, class picnics, and first day dress ups to gain maximum participation and have opportunities for every member of our class to get involved. This year, I placed a lot of emphasis on gaining feedback from the class through social media, class council, and interactive publicity, and I want to continue those efforts into next year. It’s been really exciting to get to meet more and more members of our class and collaborate with them on projects throughout the years. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my time on SEC, it’s that our class is filled with incredible people with amazing ideas on how to make our time at Gunn as memorable as possible. I can’t wait to work with you all, so vote Maya Perkash!

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