Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

Zairy Poot: sports psychology


Like many other then-freshmen, Zairy Poot found herself bored at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. So, when she saw her mom starting to work out in the house, she decided to join her.

What began as an activity to pass the time slowly evolved into a part of Poot’s routine beginning sophomore year. She transitioned from at-home training to a gym-going regimen, focusing on different muscle groups each day and always ending her workouts on the stepmill.

“At the beginning, when I would go to the gym, I would be nervous and think, ‘Oh, I don’t know how to use this,’” she said. “(But I eventually realized that) no one is really focused on you.”

For Poot, the benefts of working out extend beyond the gym.

“I used to compare myself a lot with people on Instagram,” she said. “But since I started (going to) the gym and everything, I feel more confdent about myself. … I just like trying to do better every day and focus on what I can do and what I cannot.”

Beyond high school, Poot plans to continue her strength training through competing in body-building competitions. Moreover, as a frst-generation college student, she plans on majoring in psychology — an interest she found through taking Advanced Placement Psychology at Gunn — at San Jose State University.

“(Personality-wise), I like to listen to people — I’m more of a listener,” Poot said. “Every time that my friends want to talk about something, I’m always there for them to talk, and it kind of made me realize that maybe I have good-quality traits to become a psychologist.”

Poot hopes to pair her psychology studies with her love of training to become a clinical sports psychologist.

“I’m excited to work with different athletes and try to help them with their physical performance,” Poot wrote in an email. “I feel like a lot of what makes a good athlete perform better is the way they think or react to challenges, so I’m looking forward to helping them to reach their full potential.”

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About the Contributor
Chris Lee
Chris Lee, Managing Editor
Senior Chris Lee is a managing editor for The Oracle and has been on staff since August 2021. In his free time, Chris enjoys driving, going out for food and desperately trying to maintain a healthy school-life balance.
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