Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

Senior Issue

Alisa Novitskaya: agricultural science

Alisa Novitskaya: agricultural science

Sophia Hwangbo, Online Editor, Photographer May 22, 2024

From sophomore-year summer to senior-year winter, Alisa Novitskaya volunteered at the Stanford Educational Forum, planting vegetables in the fall and harvesting the crops in the summer. This opportunity opened her eyes to sustainable and organic agriculture and guided her decision to major in agricultural...

Jenna Kang: Music and neuroscience

Jenna Kang: Music and neuroscience

Michelle Koo, News Editor, Graphics Artist May 22, 2024

Obsessed with horses, Jenna Kang began playing violin at 6 years old because the instrument’s bow was made of horsehair. Since then, Kang has explored classical music as a soloist, chamber musician with Young Chamber Musicians and orchestra musician in the California Youth Symphony and National...

Siena Tacy: Photography

Siena Tacy: Photography

Katie LaWer, Sports Editor May 22, 2024

Flipping through artist Patti Smith’s memoir, “Just Kids,” her sophomore year, Siena Tacy was inspired by the photography of Smith’s long-time friend Robert Mapplethorpe. This, alongside taking Photography 1 at Gunn, pushed her to pursue photography more seriously her second semester of sophomore...

Zairy Poot: sports psychology

Zairy Poot: sports psychology

Chris Lee, Managing Editor May 22, 2024

Like many other then-freshmen, Zairy Poot found herself bored at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. So, when she saw her mom starting to work out in the house, she decided to join her. What began as an activity to pass the time slowly evolved into a part of Poot’s routine beginning sophomore year....

Amann Mahajan

Amann Mahajan

Amann Mahajan, Editor-in-Chief May 22, 2024

They say senior year is the best year for confessions (after all, who’s going to chase you down afterward? An ill-intentioned sibling? A teacher?), and in that spirit, here’s mine: I was — and, at least marginally, still am — a Stephen King fan. All teenagers have their indulgences, and beginning...

Vandana Ravi: Writing

Vandana Ravi: Writing

Amann Mahajan, Editor-in-Chief May 22, 2024

Six months, 37 drafts, pages saturated with her favorite authors’ words: While most seniors were trudging through college essays, Vandana Ravi was having a blast.  “Move over, Hamilton,” she joked. “I can write essays.” Such dedication is a hallmark of Ravi’s writing process, which...

Deena Abu-Dayeh: Electrical Engineering

Deena Abu-Dayeh: Electrical Engineering

Lise Desveaux, Centerfold Editor May 22, 2024

Impact: It’s what Deena Abu-Dayeh hopes to pursue as part of Northeastern’s electrical engineering program. Despite the challenges of pursuing a STEM major as a woman of color, her resilience and love for physics propelled her decision. Abu-Dayeh found her path to engineering through her parents’...

Patrick Chi: Badminton

Patrick Chi: Badminton

Vivien Chen, Lifestyle Editor May 22, 2024

Growing up in a family of badminton players, Patrick Chi has pursued badminton since childhood. Today, Chi plays on Gunn’s badminton team — and has for all four years of high school — where he participates in all events: singles, doubles and mixed. He also trains year-round at Elite Badminton Center. Chi’s...

Fiona Li: Biology

Fiona Li: Biology

Irene Tsen, Managing Editor May 22, 2024

The rock was soft. Or rather, what then third-grader Fiona Li touched weren't rocks but anemones, their tentacles tucked in at low tide. Exploring tidepools for the first time at Pillar Point in Half Moon Bay, Li discovered an entire microsystem of of marine creatures. "It's special because the creatures...

Irene Tsen

Irene Tsen

Irene Tsen, Managing Editor May 22, 2024

First to go were things: the cheap charm bracelet I’d bought in Okinawa seven years ago, the Kinder-egg toy, the expired library card from when I lived in Fullerton, the books I read once and vowed never to again. Paging through J.D. Salinger’s “Catcher in the Rye,” I felt the same frustration...

Jacob Olshen: Robotics

Jacob Olshen: Robotics

Vivien Chen, Lifestyle Editor May 22, 2024

Having been on the Gunn Robotics Team for three years, pursuing mechanical engineering seemed like the clear path for GRT captain Jacob Olshen. However, following a visit to the University of Washington, Seattle, where he plans to attend college, he now hopes to pursue electrical and computer engineering. Olshen...

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