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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

Photo by Alexandra Ting

Boys can dance too: staffer joins Titanettes and explores gender imbalances, misperceptions

The Oracle November 9, 2015

Written by Arjun Sahdev This was the first time I felt uncomfortable in my broken-down Nike Free Runs. As I cruised around the faded red track, the slap of cold air that normally felt refreshing was surprisingly different. The smell of turf that normally wafted through the air was gone. Instead, all...

Staff appreciation week: Oracle staffers give teachers an A+

The Oracle September 9, 2015

Dear Mrs. Powell, On the first day of school, you told us that an orangutan could teach our class and we would still learn because we were talented, driven students. However, I disagree. Your students need you. Thank you for always being so understanding. Whenever I have approached you with a question,...

Student on the truth about Santa

The Oracle December 11, 2014

Written by Arjun Sahdev Santa’s round belly, joyous, booming laugh and fluffy beard easily make him the most magical being to kids everywhere. So magical that, for awhile, people believe he is real. But there comes a time in everyone’s life where they begin to realize Jolly Saint Nick is just a...

Pros and cons of shaving

The Oracle November 11, 2014

PRO In the summer, it won’t feel like you are wearing a wool sweater on your face. You won’t look 10 years older than your actual age. Food won’t get trapped in your beard. You won’t have to kiss bagels and cream cheese goodbye. Unmanageable hair is not attractive. Hair growth...

Style the aftermath of No Shave November

The Oracle November 11, 2014

The Soul patch is the area just below the lower lip, not including the hair over the chin. This is a little tuft that wavers in the wind as you embrace your inner peace. Named after fictional Chinese villain Dr. Fu Manchu, this upper lip mustache grows downward in two long strands and hangs past the...

Former dean of students now assistant principal

The Oracle August 29, 2014

Often seen during brunch and lunch last year, new Assistant Principal James Lubbe can be spotted cruising in his golf cart, with a warm smile on his face. An active participant as well as supervisor of on-campus student activities, he was formerly known as the dean of students. After six years of working...

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