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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

Palo Alto bubble reinforces privilege, causes disconnect to societal issues

Palo Alto bubble reinforces privilege, causes disconnect to societal issues

Michelle Koo and Bryan Xiao May 18, 2023

Located in the heart of Silicon Valley, Palo Alto is a center of innovation, wealth and quality education. It headquarters prestigious companies, such as Tesla and Hewlett Packard, and houses idyllic neighborhoods and highly ranked public schools. Palo Alto residents, the majority of whom are Asian or...

Romanticizing holidays creates unrealistic expectations

Romanticizing holidays creates unrealistic expectations

Michelle Koo and Carly Liao December 2, 2022

Twinkling Christmas lights, snow-capped landscapes, crackling fireplaces and the whistle of a Christmas carol through the air a classic holiday film opening. Packed with joy and nostalgia, the holidays are believed to be full of family traditions, romantic confessions and friendship. Media and pop culture...

Social Comparisons Result in Unhealthy Beauty Expectations

Social Comparisons Result in Unhealthy Beauty Expectations

Dori Filppu, Reporter March 5, 2020

Instagram, Snapchat, Tik Tok and countless other social media platforms alldisplay similar images: flawless skin and tiny waists. Yet what was initially considered to be the world of the internet has now broadened into the world of you and me. I see it here at school, within myself and among...

Graphic by Elizabeth Zu

Lack of self-care should be deglamorized

lizakolbasov March 31, 2017

Written by Liza Kolbasov Most Gunn students are familiar with the statement, “I stayed up so late studying for my math test, I only slept three hours last night!” If they haven’t used it themselves, they’ve almost certainly heard it from a friend. This isn’t surprising, as glamorizing lack...

Courtesy of Matthew Shi

Junior Matthew Shi’s search for perfection—and what he found

The Oracle December 8, 2015

Written by Matthew Shi I went into freshman year feeling confident, like most if not all freshmen. I had just graduated from middle school, had done fine in all my academics, and didn’t feel as if I could mess up. For me, the world was limitless, and anything I wanted to do I could accomplish. A...

Graphic by Elizabeth Zu

Cheating culture: an in-depth look at dishonesty on campus

The Oracle December 4, 2015

Written by Shawna Chen and Janet Wang It’s test day. You’re sitting at your desk, nervously tapping your pencil. You’ve prepared to the best of your ability, but your anxiety increases as you open the test booklet. One problem in particular is worth a lot of points, but you don’t know how...

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