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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

Staff appreciation week: Oracle staffers give teachers an A+

The Oracle September 9, 2015

Dear Mrs. Powell, On the first day of school, you told us that an orangutan could teach our class and we would still learn because we were talented, driven students. However, I disagree. Your students need you. Thank you for always being so understanding. Whenever I have approached you with a question,...

Libertarian values fit Palo Alto better than liberal ones

The Oracle March 20, 2015

Written by Kathleen Xue In the 2012 elections, California cast a Democratic ballot, voting in favor of Barack Obama’s reelection. Palo Alto was filled with fliers promoting the Democratic party, with few to no promotions of the Republican party. It is strange, however, given the views of a majority...

Brand-new Mitchell Park Library schedules opening

Brand-new Mitchell Park Library schedules opening

The Oracle December 5, 2014

Written by Kathleen Xue Saturday, Dec. 6 will mark the official opening of the new Mitchell Park Library and Community Center. The event will take place from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. After four years of construction, the library will finally move from its Cubberly location back to the renovated building...

International Highlights: Syria

International Highlights: Syria

The Oracle November 17, 2014

Written by Kathleen Xue In March 2011, the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria cracked down violently on activists demanding more economic prosperity, sparking a nationwide uprising. The revolution eventually led to a civil war between rebels and the authoritarian government and now has killed more than...

District implements new stricter California food regulations

District implements new stricter California food regulations

The Oracle October 13, 2014

Written by Kathleen Xue The new California Department of Education Food Regulations became activated for schools throughout the state on July 1, 2014. The new California Code of Regulations Sections 15501 and 15578 include more dietary restrictions on school breakfasts, snacks and organization and...

Con: Should students aim for prestigious brand-name schools?

Con: Should students aim for prestigious brand-name schools?

The Oracle September 17, 2014

Written by Kathleen Xue As colleges become increasingly more difficult to get into and prices for education continue to inflate, there is an increasing trend of today’s high school students choosing their universities with misconception and misguidance. What were known as the beginnings of American...

Q&A with new dean Tara Keith

The Oracle August 29, 2014

The Oracle: Where did you work before and what positions did you hold? Tara Keith: I worked at the district office and at Paly. Before that I worked in Campbell in Del Mar High School, and before that at San Diego. I’ve been a teacher, department chair and instructional coach. TO: Why did you choose...

Gunn welcomes Principal Dr. Denise Herrmann

Gunn welcomes Principal Dr. Denise Herrmann

The Oracle August 29, 2014

On May 20, last year’s Superintendent Dr. Kevin Skelly officially recommended Wisconsin educator Dr. Denise Herrmann to be Gunn’s new principal to the Board of Education. Previously principal of Middleton High School for eight years, Herrmann was hired after completing the application process through...

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