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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

'Culture and language are intertwined inextricably': Phrases lose cultural meanings, nuance in English translations

‘Culture and language are intertwined inextricably’: Phrases lose cultural meanings, nuance in English translations

Maddie Cheung, Centerfold Editor April 12, 2024

The French expression “avoir du pain sur la planche” translates literally to “having bread on a board” and can be equated to the English phrase “to have a lot on one’s plate.” French teacher Laura Lizundia, however, finds that the English analogue doesn’t do the original expression justice. “There’s...

Language department updates academic standards, practices

Language department updates academic standards, practices

Madison Nguyen, Features Editor September 20, 2019

The bell rings as language classes begin. Students crowd into the computer lab and begin preparing for their upcoming listening assessment. In other classrooms, they begin class with a writing assessment or simply interact with their fellow language learners. Since 2016, World Language...

Use of native language aids in reinforcement of cultural ties

Tejpal Virdi, News Editor February 1, 2019

In many communities throughout the country, learning a second language is a privilege enjoyed by few. English is everywhere, and it has left little room for other languages; even when the opportunity to learn a second language presents itself, if you are part of the 20 percent of students in America...

Photo by Sofia Sierra-Garcia

Students preserve cultural roots through multilingualism: Shana Ebrahimnejad

Jessica Wang, Editor-in-Chief February 1, 2019

For freshman Shana Ebrahimnejad, learning Farsi, German, French and English came from her life in Germany and America, her Persian roots and Duolingo. As her family moved between countries, Ebrahimnejad acquired languages naturally through immersion. Accordingly, she interprets...

Staffer learns to embrace interest in foreign culture

sawngbird March 30, 2018

Written by Collin Jaeger My relationship with Asian culture began about four years ago when I heard Japanese metal music for the first time. To my musically-surfeited ears, Japanese metal was a fresh gift of chaos and wonder, but not too long after, the broader Japanese culture would also captivate...

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