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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

Senior Will Brooks Birdwatching

The Oracle November 16, 2015

Written by Naina Murphy  Published in the November 6th, 2015 issue Over the last eight years, senior William Brooks has used his free time for birdwatching. After his dad picked up the hobby during his sabbatical, Brooks became interested and soon developed a love for the activity. “I like the...

Complacency in Palo Alto masks racism issues

The Oracle October 8, 2015

Written by Naina Murthy Published in the October 8, 2015 issue Palo Alto prides itself on being progres-sive, but when it comes to diversity, it has hit a wall. To some extent, the wealth and good weather have created a bubble that surrounds and hides our city from the social issues of...

Staff appreciation week: Oracle staffers give teachers an A+

The Oracle September 9, 2015

Dear Mrs. Powell, On the first day of school, you told us that an orangutan could teach our class and we would still learn because we were talented, driven students. However, I disagree. Your students need you. Thank you for always being so understanding. Whenever I have approached you with a question,...

How to plan a lake Tahoe trip

How to plan a lake Tahoe trip

The Oracle December 11, 2014

Compiled by Naina Murthy and Matthew Hamilton Northstar Northstar Ski Resort in North Lake Tahoe is the ideal mountain for those looking to try a little bit of everything. Northstar offers 97 trails, most of which are for intermediate skiers and snowboarders. Northstar also has the highest amount...

Giants bring family members together

Giants bring family members together

The Oracle November 19, 2014

Written by Naina Murthy My dad and I have never had the best relationship. I never felt like we had much in common. It seems like my sister and he share a deeper bond. We constantly fight whether its about school or extending curfews. But we are both on the same side when we fight for The San Francisco...

Pros and cons of shaving

The Oracle November 11, 2014

PRO In the summer, it won’t feel like you are wearing a wool sweater on your face. You won’t look 10 years older than your actual age. Food won’t get trapped in your beard. You won’t have to kiss bagels and cream cheese goodbye. Unmanageable hair is not attractive. Hair growth...

Style the aftermath of No Shave November

The Oracle November 11, 2014

The Soul patch is the area just below the lower lip, not including the hair over the chin. This is a little tuft that wavers in the wind as you embrace your inner peace. Named after fictional Chinese villain Dr. Fu Manchu, this upper lip mustache grows downward in two long strands and hangs past the...

Ferguson protests highlight increased police militarization

Ferguson protests highlight increased police militarization

The Oracle September 17, 2014

Written by Naina Murthy Tensions reached a boiling point on Aug. 9 in St. Louis suburb Ferguson, MO, when Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, was shot and killed by a white police officer named Darren Wilson. The police said that Michael Brown was shot while fighting for the officer’s gun....

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