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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

Anti-transgender legislation: Recent state bills place physical, mental health of transgender youth at risk

Anti-transgender legislation: Recent state bills place physical, mental health of transgender youth at risk

Becca Wu, In-Depth Editor May 25, 2021

“I spend my free time [playing] with my cats and chickens, FaceTiming my friends and dreaming of when I will finally meet Dolly Parton,” Kai Shappley, a transgender 10-year-old, said in her testimony before the Texas Senate Committee of State Affairs. “I do not like spending my free time asking...

Alternatives to physical education class offered: students enroll in Yoga and Athletic Conditioning

Alternatives to physical education class offered: students enroll in Yoga and Athletic Conditioning

Ryan Manesh, Sports Editor, Business Manager September 7, 2018

Written by Ryan Manesh At the end of the last school year, students learned that they would be able to take two new physical education (P.E.) electives: Athletic Conditioning and Yoga. Both of these classes, if completed, count towards a student’s physical education credits, and are available to sophomores,...

Should athletes be exempt from physical education? (Pro)

gtramack September 15, 2017

Written by Grace Tramack Exercising over six hours per day sounds insane, and it is even more ridiculous that this is a reality for some students. Currently, to meet the requirements of an Independent Study (a self directed class in which a student creates a project), a student must play a sport...

Should Athletes be Exempt From Physical Education?

laurelcomiter September 15, 2017

By: Laurel Comiter Students who participate in athletics outside of school have busier schedules than the average student. ey have to balance school, homework, social life and sports—everything the average student must manage and more. However, this should not be a reason to be excused from participating...

Teachers share embarrassing, awkward dating stories: Amy Anderson

Teachers share embarrassing, awkward dating stories: Amy Anderson

yangshannon February 3, 2017

Written by Shannon Yang Physical education teacher Amy Anderson will always remember an incident when she and her boyfriend, both 16 years old, decided to go to Easter brunch together at Charlie Brown’s in Redwood City, where their families would meet for the first time. Anderson’s family...

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