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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

Graphic by Sophie Fan

Global crisis calls for respect, cooperation within community

Jessica Wang, Editor-in-Chief May 23, 2020

Back in February, when my dad flew to visit my grandmother in Taiwan, she asked him to bring toilet paper. At the time, the request seemed hilarious and absurd: a spark of amusement in the midst of my everyday life. Unbeknown to all of us, our stores would run empty of the same bathroom staple...

Pandemics exacerbate racism

Pandemics exacerbate racism

Catherine Chu, Managing Editor March 25, 2020

Amid the global anxiety caused by the spread of COVID-19, fear of the virus generates a racial phobia against Chinese-Americans. According to the World Health Organization, xenophobia has continued unabated, as anecdotal reports of racism and xenophobia have risen exponentially since the outbreak. Historically,...

Graphic by Jocelyn Wang

Coronavirus outbreak affects community

Jessica Wang and Joshua Yang March 5, 2020

In light of the increasingly global reach of the COVID-19 disease, also known as coronavirus, individuals within the Palo Alto Unified School District (PAUSD) have faced a variety of effects stemming from caution and fear of the spreading disease. The proliferation of the coronavirus has sparked...

Graphic by Audrey Tseng

Oscars fail to recognize, respond adequately to uncomfortable racism

Mark Hernandez, Guest Columnist February 28, 2020

In 1989, no one knew if the Academy would (or even could) do the right thing with Spike Lee’s “Do the Right Thing.” Chronicling a sweltering summer day in 1989 in a racially diverse Brooklyn neighborhood, the film struck chords with everyone who saw it—and with many who didn’t. Ambitious...

Snapchat generalizes beauty standards

sohiniashoke November 9, 2017

written by: Sohini Ashoke In our current day and age, Snapchat is undoubtedly one of the most relevant social media apps out there, especially for teenagers. In fact, it is the second most used social media app for teens according to the Associated Press-National Opinion Research Center at the University...

Graphic by Cheryl Kao

District should prioritize renaming Jordan, Terman

shagunkhare28 February 1, 2016

Written by Shagun Khare Each weekday, promising young students walk into Palo Alto Unified School District (PAUSD) middle schools named after racists and eugenicists in order to learn about how they can lead lives embracing acceptance and tolerance. Palo Alto, although portrayed as a sort of panacea...

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