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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

Ofelia Smith

Ofelia Smith

Michael Zhang, Lifestyle Editor February 24, 2023

Up the P-building steps, straight into the College and Career Center and to the left is where students can find registrar Ofelia Smith and her understandably paper-laden desk. Like most school registrars, Smith acts as a recordkeeper, managing and updating official documents such as the ever-important...

Luciano Hernandez

Luciano Hernandez

Dylan Sperandio, Reporter February 13, 2023

From 6 a.m. to late in the evening, an essential team of custodians works tirelessly to keep the campus clean and running. The team splits up into night shifts and day shifts. Head Custodian Luciano Hernandez’s workday starts at 3 p.m. “The first order of the day is making sure that if anybody called...

Chris Johnson

Chris Johnson

Bryan Xiao, Lifestyle Editor, Assistant Business Manager December 2, 2022

Four years ago, when social studies teacher Chris Johnson learned that the announcer position for Gunn’s football games was open, he decided to volunteer, combining his passion for the sport with his experience in voice work. “I’ve gone through voiceover training, and I was a football coach about...

Tattoos serve as outlet for displaying creativity, personality: Senior Jimmy Farley

Tattoos serve as outlet for displaying creativity, personality: Senior Jimmy Farley

Eric Epstein, Sports Editor March 29, 2019

Senior Jimmy Farley got his first tattoo on his 18th birthday earlier this March. His scripture tattoo on his bicep reads: “There are always flowers for those who want tosee them.” Farley had thought about getting a tattoo for a couple years prior, and he used that time to decide what...

Coffeeology cafe helps teach students communication skills

Coffeeology cafe helps teach students communication skills

Nikki Suzani, Managing Editor March 1, 2019

Each Monday during A period, the smell of banana bread and freshly-made espresso wafts down the halls as special education students host their weekly Coffeeology cafe. Students budget money, cook food, operate coffee machines and use Vehicle Transportation Agency (VTA) transit to buy the necessary...

Staffers overcome obstacles in order to learn new skills: embroidery

Staffers overcome obstacles in order to learn new skills: embroidery

chelsiepark March 6, 2018

By Chelsie Park From a very young age, one of the phrases that I heard the most from my parents was, “Are your hands for decoration?” In their eyes, I did not possess any fine motor skills whatsoever. I struggled to learn how to use chopsticks, struggled to sew in home economics in middle school,...

District budget shortfall causes school to cut clerical positions

District budget shortfall causes school to cut clerical positions

stephybjackson November 9, 2017

Written by: Stephy Jackson At the end of the 2016-2017 school year, the Palo Alto Unifed School District announced that certain support staff positions would be eliminated due to a shortfall in the district budget, and a reallocation of funding from Partners in Education (PiE). According to...

Students and staff gather together for total solar eclipse

kristenyee00 September 8, 2017

Written by Kristen Yee On Aug. 21, Americans were greeted in the morning by a total eclipse, the first to cross the United States from the Pacific to the Atlantic since June 8, 1918.   The total eclipse was incomplete for Palo Altans, as the moon blocked only 75 percent of the sun in California. The...

Graphic by Elizabeth Zu

Gunn proposes to combine Algebra 1, 1A math lanes

Helen Nguyen April 27, 2016

Written by Helen Nguyen On March 8, the Board of Education held a special meeting for a laning board study session with the purpose of clarifying common language, deepening understanding and discussing the why and the what, research, practice and some pros and cons regarding ability grouping, laning,...

Staff face high price housing

clarakieschnickllamas February 19, 2016

Written by Clara Kieschnick-Llamas Gunn teachers spoke about the lack of affordable housing in Palo Alto at the school board meeting on Jan. 26, discussing the impact of the housing crisis on their interactions with students and their availability for school activities. Most teachers at Gunn have to...

Graphic by Elizabeth Zu

Teachers recall entertaining, amusing senior pranks – Math Teacher Dave Deggeller

Elizabeth C February 1, 2016

Written by Elizabeth Chung Throughout the early ‘90s, math teacher Dave Deggeller witnessed a variety of senior pranks at Gunn. “When I first started teaching here, the idea of the senior prank was more of a tradition and pranks were more colorful,” Deggeller said. Deggeller’s favorite...

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