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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

What science course should you choose?

What science course should you choose?

Laurie Pennington, Science Department Instructional Lead February 2, 2022

Written on behalf of the Gunn Science Department At this time of year, I am fielding a LOT of questions from both students and parents regarding which science course their student should choose for the next school year. “College prep, honors or AP?” “Should/could I take more than one science...

Prioritize happiness over success

cassandrabond September 9, 2016

by Cassandra Bond It is 1 a.m., and you are still working on the English paper that’s due the next day. We are all familiar with this dreadful feeling of a seemingly endless stream of schoolwork and late nights. We sacrifice a lot to be proud of our grades and academics, but our success in school...

Challenge Success team creates mission statement

Alex Dersh January 29, 2016

Written by Alex Dersh In a meeting on Jan. 14, the Challenge Success committee evaluated its chart of work goals and developed a list of potential action plans to achieve them. Members discussed the best strategies to take, such as designing accessible communication between stakeholders, assessing...

Graphic by Elizabeth Zu

Cheating culture: an in-depth look at dishonesty on campus

The Oracle December 4, 2015

Written by Shawna Chen and Janet Wang It’s test day. You’re sitting at your desk, nervously tapping your pencil. You’ve prepared to the best of your ability, but your anxiety increases as you open the test booklet. One problem in particular is worth a lot of points, but you don’t know how...

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