Seniors demystify second semester senior year

The members of the Class of 2019 have finally been ushered into the status of second–semester seniors—or ‘SSS’ for short. This name indicates the beginning of the end: the last semester of high school, ever. For some, this is an exciting time to make their last memories of high school. For others, SSS brings on a feeling of dread due to the seemingly never-ending wait to hear back from colleges.

However, regardless of how one feels about this semester, almost all seniors have one thing in common: the desire to not have to do schoolwork anymore. Senior Roni Manor is focused on other things besides school. “I cared a lot more [about grades] first semester, but I’m going to the Foothill UCLA Honors Transfer Program, so my high school grades don’t matter to me anymore,” Manor said. Currently, Manor is taking four classes: Focus on Success, Positive Psychology, Cooking and Analysis of the Writer’s Craft. Outside of school, Manor focuses her time on participating in organizations. “I spend pretty much all my time helping to run Teen Arts Council, which throws free art events for teens,” Manor said. Manor also stated that arriving to her classes can sometimes be a challenge. “I always try to go to all classes because all the classes I’m taking are ones I care about, but usually I’ll end up missing two-thirds of classes a week for something,” Manor said. “I think our last semester of high school should be fun, relaxing and filled with friends and making great memories before we leave, which is why I’m okay with having a more relaxed semester.”

Unlike Manor, senior Audrey Lamis has a full plate of classes and extracurricular activities. Lamis is taking seven classes: AP Literature, AP Economics,  AP Physics C, AP Calculus AB, Photo 1, Robotics and Stage Tech. In addition to schoolwork, Lamis has two large time commitments. “Currently, I am stage managing the spring musical, ‘In the Heights.’ I’m in rehearsals working alongside Mr. Shelby to put on the production every day after school. Along with my many hours in theater, I do work for the robotics team,” Lamis said. “We’re currently in build season, which is the first six weeks of second semester when we build the robot we take to competitions. My normal school day consists of rehearsal until 6 p.m., and then I eat dinner at GRT and work there until 9 p.m. I do homework when I get home at 9:30 p.m. and tend to work late.”

Although she has a lot on her plate, Lamis is excited about the coming semester. “I’m doing a lot of work this semester, but I love what I’m doing,” Lamis said. “The people I’m working with really make all the stress and lack of sleep worth it.” Ultimately, there is no template for the SSS experience, (despite what you may have heard). Whether you choose to ease out of high school or finish with a bang, just remember to spend your remaining time here doing what you love.