Relaxing during spring break allows for healthier school-life balance

Today’s society favors efficiency, hard work and commitment, which often leads to people overworking themselves—even during breaks. Despite the stigma associated with “laziness” and being unproductive, relaxing can boost creativity, result in overall happiness and even enhance efficiency. While many students pre-learn the upcoming units during short breaks, relaxing can improve one’s health and efficiency.

Although setting aside responsibilities may be difficult, there are many ways to relax over spring break. For those who do not exercise often, walking dogs, going on a jog or heading to the gym can be great ways to pass time and get an extra boost of dopamine. Some other activities might include going to the
beach, hugging a tree or hiking the Stanford Dish.

Another easy and more common way to relax is to binge watch a TV series. Although TV should be watched in moderation, there are plenty of fun and entertaining shows to indulge in. For a nostalgic coming-of-age story, “Gilmore Girls” tells the story of a single mother and her teenage daughter. For a splash of adrenaline and drama, the 18 seasons of “Grey’s Anatomy” can make the hours fly by. “The Big Bang Theory” also has a multitude of hilarious moments and numerous references to trivia knowledge. If 21st-century technology hits too close to reality, the second season of “Bridgerton” aired on March 25, meaning it’s just in time for students to watch during spring break.

Besides TV, books are a great way to destress and escape reality. Reading books improves vocabulary, reduces stress and increases general knowledge.

Lastly, spring break is time to experiment. Is there something you’ve always wanted to do, like horseback riding or trying aerial silks? Spring break is a great time to start passion projects such as starting your own business or writing a novel. You never know what new passions you will discover and what skills you will learn along the way.

Whatever activities you choose to do during spring break, make sure to take a break from academics. Spend some time doing what you love and make some memories with your family and friends. After all, the whole point is to take some personal time and relax so that you can come back refreshed and ready to learn.