Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

Chris Munoz

Every morning, long before most students arrive, Computer Support Specialist Chris Munoz is already at school, knocking off the first few requests to fix technology across campus. “I usually come in at around 7:30 a.m.,” he said. “The first hour, I make sure to get everything done from the last day that I didn’t get to. Usually, I’ll start off with tickets that are for teachers, and then throughout the day I’m just helping students or staff that come in.”

While the title “computer support specialist” suggests a rather narrow responsibility, Munoz deals with more than just computers. “We also help students and staff with any other technological needs like the printers and the Apple TVs,” he said. “We do setups, too. If there’s an event that needs speakers or microphones, we’ll do that, and we’ll make sure that all the tech is set up for that event.”

Ever since his childhood, Munoz has been interested in technology and had always considered going into the field. “I grew up playing video games, learning about computers, building computers and doing stuff like that,” he said. “I grew up with technology, which is why I’m so passionate about it.”

After spending five months earning an Information Technology certification, Munoz began working at Gunn. “I feel like the certification really taught me more than I really needed when it came to the position,” he said. “It’s awesome, because, at the end of the day, it’s much better to be prepared than sorry.”

The problem-solving aspect of the job is what Munoz enjoys the most and is why he finds his work so fulfilling. Once, he dealt with an issue with some of the L-5 computers, which were all struggling to run a certain application. “Those computers are really old and they have some issues where you really have to dig deep to find out what the problem is,” he said. “But pretty much after looking into it for a week or two, I finally found a way to get the application running. That was definitely a really cool moment, because it was stressing me out for a bit, but it was really rewarding when I finally found a way to fix it.”

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