Beyond the nuclear family: nontraditional family structures provide benefits, influence identities
Senior Violeta Sedillo: Being an adopted child
Senior Violeta Sedillo has always known she was adopted, as her mom has always been open to sharing and discussing that part of Sedillo’s identity. “My mom told me from a very early age, and this has just always been a part of me,” she said. When Sedillo’s mom decided to adopt as a single parent, she researched and explored different routes in the adoption process, all of which led to dead...
Junior Zoe Kamphuis: Living with Divorced Parents
Junior Zoe Kamphuis was 8 years old when her parents called her in for a family meeting that would completely change her life. She remembers being filled with excitement, hoping to be surprised with a family trip to Disneyland. Although she knew that was unlikely, she never anticipated what the reality of the talk would be: Her parents were getting divorced. Kamphuis only remembers a fleeting moment...
Freshman Natalie Chan: Living in a blended family with stepparents
After living with divorced parents for her entire life, freshman Natalie Chan remembers meeting her stepmom for the first time when she was 8 years old. Sitting in a Japanese restaurant with her dad, across from a stranger, she thought to herself, “Who is this lady?”. However, after a few conversations over their shared interest in pets, Chan opened up and welcomed her stepmom into the family. At...
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