9th Grade Class President Candidates
Anushka Krishnan
I am running for ASB President because I believe every student should feel included and a part of the Gunn community. As a part of my middle school’s basketball team, I learned how to lead and guide fellow teammates during games. In addition, I made sure to make everyone feel included, even though they had different skill sets. Now, as a point guard on a Bay Area championed basketball team, I have further developed my leadership abilities on the playing field. I want to make a difference in my peers lives by being there for them when they need me. I am most excited about my idea of hosting more sports events during lunch and after school for students to connect with one another. I think more staff vs. student sports matches could be fun, and entertaining. The same way I was able to bond with my teammates over sports, I think that students will feel more included if they could connect with one another through the shared love of game.
Ren Lin
It’s not a secret, Gunn can get very stressful. A lot of us are coming into high school worrying about how difficult the next few years will be, including freshman year. But let’s be honest, freshman year is going to be the least demanding, so we should take advantage of that. My goal this year is to help our class stay lighthearted, and just enjoy ourselves. I was one of the Site Council Representatives at JLS for two years, and I’ve always loved getting involved with class spirit, as I designed three hoodies for JLS classes. This is the first time we’ll be experiencing events like homecoming, and I’d love to bring spirit for it, whether that be through making posters or videos. I’m most excited about planning social events so we can hopefully get better acquainted, and maybe lessen the JLS/Fletcher discrimination (guys come on, middle school was already equally traumatizing for all of us). One idea I have is making more Gunn-centric entertainment! Videos, comics, just communal media specifically for the class of 2028 that we can laugh at. With that, I hope everyone’s school year goes well regardless of who’s elected. Please enjoy my video!
Émilie Matthey
The strongest part of Gunn High has never solely been its academics – it has been the community. As a freshman, I have only experienced an extremely small portion of it all, but I have no doubts about the strength of Gunn students coming together. As the 9th grade student body president, I can lead this amazing group of people to improve our high school experiences further. As well as being a good leader, I am an experienced event planner, having been the head TA of my middle school Leadership Team where I planned the school dances and other school-wide events. I am so excited to give back the welcome I have received! Something I know students of all grades enjoyed during middle school was the Staff vs. Student events. I want to bring the fun to Gunn this year with new improvements and plans. Staff Student events are a fun way for students to get to know the school while cheering each other on. I would also implement different sports and events that are more inclusive to age, gender, and athletic level. They wouldn’t necessarily have to be a sport, they could also be games such as the egg spoon race or potato sack race (if we don’t have potato sacks, we could use trash bags), and there could also be the three-legged race, etc. My goal for this year as a part of SEC is to create fun and memorable events and ensure that everyone feels included and a part of the Gunn community. Throughout the year I hope to be able to get students’ opinions and feedback through google forms posted on schoology to see how we can improve and be able to give them the best time we can.
9th Grade Class Vice President Candidates
Ian Kim
I am running for Vice President because I believe that simply having a positive attitude and dedication can make a huge difference, especially when we are all getting used to high school. During my time as an 8th grader at JLS, I took leadership, where our team organized over 20 successful events such as dances, activities with future students, talent shows, among others. I was also a T.A. in leadership, in which I helped our team further and to run more successful events. A problem that I have noticed is the lack of proper eating tables, as many people either crowd a single table, making it very uncomfortable to eat, or sit on the ground, which could lead to back pain, which is already prominent because of the issue of heavy backpacks. A successful year to me would be if students at Gunn are satisfied by the collaborative results of the student council.
Yufan Pan
I’m running for Student Council because I believe every 9th grader should feel happy and included at Gunn High School. High school can be a overwhelming experience, and I want to make sure that everyone feels welcomed and valued from the very start. I’ve been playing soccer for almost a decade, with seven of those years spent in competitive leagues. Soccer teaches you how to handle pressure—those moments when it feels like all eyes are on you. But in those moments, I’ve learned to lift my head and remember I’m not alone; I have a team beside me, ready to support me. High school is similar. When things get overwhelming, it’s important to remember that we’re surrounded by teachers and friends who are here to help. In addition to soccer, I’ve been involved in speech and debate for five years. Even with all that experience, I still get nervous on stage, so I can only imagine how tough it must be for those who aren’t as comfortable speaking in public. I want to be the voice for those who might feel too frightened to share their thoughts. My goal is to represent everyone, especially the introverts who might go unheard. One idea I’m really excited about is improving our school lunches. As someone who often eats hot lunch, I know firsthand how unappealing it can be. I want to work closely with the school administration to bring better, healthier, and more appealing options to our cafeteria. My goal is to make hot lunch a choice that students actually look forward to. I’ll know I’ve been successful if, by the end of the year, there’s a stronger sense of community among the ninth graders, with more students feeling confident and supported. Success will also be clear if we’ve been able to make real improvements in areas like school lunches, ensuring that students have better options that they actually enjoy. Sports have a special way of bringing people together. As someone who’s been involved in competitive sports, I know how participating can push you out of your comfort zone and build camaraderie. One idea I have is to organize more grade-level sports events and competitions. These activities would not only encourage physical activity but also help build a sense of unity and teamwork among the ninth graders.
Tanvi Ramachandar
Hello! I am Tanvi, and the reason I am running for VP is because I want to help my fellow 9th graders have a memorable and fun freshman year at Gunn. I hope to plan fun events and activities that allow everyone to engage and get to know one another. Although I have not been on the student council in school, I have done other work. Such as volunteering at the East Palo Alto Senior Center throughout the summer. I am also planning to join the Mitchell Park Library Program “TLAB” which is a program where teens gather to plan exciting events and work together to make the library a better space. In eighth grade I was part of the semester 2 leadership class at Jane Lathrop Stanford Middle School. Finally, just to note- I got elected 6th grade level commissioner when I attended Fletcher in sixth grade, but could not take the role as I moved to JLS middle school for seventh and eighth grade. The ideas I am most excited for are all the dances such as homecoming and spring fling! This is the first homecoming that us 9th graders are ever going to experience, so I plan to work with the other members of SEC and make it a time to always cherish! I also look forward to planning fun and interactive dance themes! An idea I have to bring our freshman class together is a holiday food drive. This can happen around Christmas time, and people can donate food, clothes, toys, books, etc. Then just for fun, whoever donates can get a treat such as candy or cookies! We can also all sort out the different items and make piles of what is getting donated to where. Of course, students do not have to help out but can volunteer if they like. The items will then after go to a children’s hospital, homeless shelter, and any other people in need of these items. The toys and books will be perfect to bring a little bit of holiday cheer to the kids! I personally view my own success based on if I feel proud about what I have accomplished. Such as setting a goal and reaching it as well as continuous improvement. I will feel accomplished if I know that I was a part in helping people ease into high school and have fun while doing so.
Kayeesha Sitaula
I am eager to lead/represent my class because I am passionate about standing up for important causes, and making changes that incorporate the voices of our school. My new perspective to this school could be beneficial in important topics. My qualifications include work experience such as founding a successful summer camp, which had 25 students, instructing young kids at karate dojo independently, being a black belt myself, organizing a dance on behalf of India’s Independence day, and my commitment to listening to diverse students of the campus. As I come from a diverse background myself, I am happy to listen to everyones thoughts, and include everyone in all conversations. If I am elected I will know I have had a fortunate run by seeing increased student participation, and good feedback from my classmates. One idea I would be happy to suggest would be more staff and student involvement. Although I have not been at Gunn long, I sense some what of a disconnect between the staff and students. I would like to hear the opinions of others and consider what their ideas are, to come up with a solution. At length I would love to make this community a more loving and helpful space for everyone.
9th Grade Class Site-Council Representative Candidates
Tai Ford
I am a qualified voice for the class of 2028 because I am empathetic, clear, and determined. I have always prioritized being involved. As Student Council President in fifth grade, I learned a lot. My big innovation was mass-producing pet treats for fundraising. Sixth-grade service was lost to the fog of COVID-19 and adapting to Fletcher. In seventh grade, I ran for treasurer and lost, but served as a Site Council Representative instead. The same year, I started school and club volleyball. Despite starting late, what always set me apart was my leadership. Club volleyball and high school are both intensely competitive environments. The brief moments in a tight game were my moments to lead. I wasn’t the best player, but for each team, I rose to captain. Thriving in adversity requires everyone to believe in themselves even in the face of defeat. I learned to balance service with sports, which forced me to be efficient with my time. The foundation I have of this skill is something I want to build on at Gunn and over time bridge back to the developing Sustainability Program at Fletcher. I understand that as a Site Council Representative, if elected it will be my responsibility to accurately and effectively communicate my peers’ point of view. I know I have lots to learn. In comparison to middle school, Gunn is a big step up. I can’t help but look forward to finding my people, knowing my people, and building from there. I’ve done the work and I’ll do the work!
Gordon Oh
I am running because I think that student government is a great opportunity for me to meet new people in my grade and help them get what they want. I think I am qualified for holding office because I am very interested in meeting everyone and since I’m basically seeing them for the first time I can have a different perspective on things. I want my class to be represented well and I believe that I can do that.
Laura Wang
I am running for Site Council as I want to become more involved with the Palo Alto School District. As the previous JLS Middle School ASB president as well as member of many school-improvement committees, I am experienced in leading as well as listening to peers. I am looking forward to bonding with the Gunn community and learning about what the students truly want, and give that feedback to the adults and school systems to make changes happen. At the end of the year, as well as throughout the year, I will be sharing detailed reports of goals and achievements to document the work done as the 9th grade Site Council Rep. Although I do not yet know Gunn well, a controversial yet necessary system I would like to implement as a Site Council Representative is a way to anonymously be completely truthful about one’s opinions of the school. There can be any range of topics, from unfair rules to student atmosphere. Each and every piece of feedback is to be read and processed by a member of SEC, allowing for complete transparency and honesty from the community. This will allow Gunn SEC to truly know what all demographics of students want. In terms of events, I would love to hold more school-wide gaming events with easily accessible games such as Roblox
Enzo Wolff de Tourreil
Hi, Im Enzo and I am running for site council. In middle school I served on site council and student council for two years. I also co-led a committee on creating opportunities for all students to succeed and I have spoken up for students at PAUSD school board meetings. I believe that S.E.L.F. and other programs at Gunn need a strong student voice. My idea is to have a student representative as one of the co-leaders of S.E.L.F. to make the lessons more engaging, worthwhile, and meaningful to help us deal with the stress and challenges of school and life. I think this is only possible if we have a strong student voice. If elected I will work with the administration and other student leaders to improve S.E.L.F. and other programs and to build a strong, school spirit by creating more fun and engaging activities for all of us.
Harry Yin
I saw how my middle school student council didn’t do much and I didn’t like that. I wish to actually change the school for the better and let everybody be happy with what we do. I was Prime Representative last year for JLS middle school which exposed me to what students councils could be like. Even though I know they tried their best, the JLS student council couldn’t get much done. This year I hope to make a bigger impact by changing the school to how the people want it because that is what the student council should be like. I hope that even if I’m not elected, the student council can follow what the general public wants and not what they want.