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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

Dance, cheer teams prepare for homecoming

Dance, cheer teams prepare for homecoming

Sophia Hwangbo, Online Editor, Photographer September 24, 2022

During Homecoming Week in October, hundreds of students, dressed in their respective class colors and themes, come together to cheer on their classes, waving big banners and shouting encouragement to their representatives. The cheer and dance teams are central to the homecoming celebrations, performing...

Winter athletes maintain their competitive edge as season progresses: Dance team

Winter athletes maintain their competitive edge as season progresses: Dance team

lizakolbasov February 2, 2018

Written by Liza Kolbasov For most of their events throughout this year, the dance team has performed at sports games and rallies. However, the athletes are now preparing for a national competition, their biggest event of the year. For the competition, the team will use the same routine as they performed...

Aesthetics in athletics: Dance

Akansha Gupta March 14, 2016

Dance straddles the boundary between art and athleticism. Most commonly regarded as an art, dance showcases breath-taking grace, style and rhythm.   Junior Angela Chin defines dance:  “It’s a visual representation of music.”   For Senior Bianca Marconcini,  dance is a chance to express her...

Photo by Alexandra Ting

Boys can dance too: staffer joins Titanettes and explores gender imbalances, misperceptions

The Oracle November 9, 2015

Written by Arjun Sahdev This was the first time I felt uncomfortable in my broken-down Nike Free Runs. As I cruised around the faded red track, the slap of cold air that normally felt refreshing was surprisingly different. The smell of turf that normally wafted through the air was gone. Instead, all...

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