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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

April 2023 Diversity Audit

April 2023 Diversity Audit

The Oracle Staff April 29, 2023
The Oracle April 2023 diversity breakdown.
February 2023 Diversity Audit

February 2023 Diversity Audit

The Oracle Staff February 20, 2023
The Oracle February 2023 diversity breakdown.

Gunn must improve efforts to bolster equity, representation of minority groups

Safina Syed, Features Editor December 2, 2022

Over the past two months, The Oracle has examined its diversity in different ways, looking at not only the events it covers, but the various groups being represented. The paper has implemented diversity audits analyzing breakdowns of sources’ grade levels, gender identities and ethnicities. When looking...

October 2022 Diversity Audit

October 2022 Diversity Audit

The Oracle Staff November 16, 2022

The voices of the Gunn community should feel represented, respected and heard in The Oracle. In the past, we have covered cultural holidays and traditions. Yet, we began asking ourselves why we are only thinking about representation and diversity when a cultural holiday approaches. We should be thinking...

Disney’s representation of minorities should be more proactive

Disney’s representation of minorities should be more proactive

Madison Yue, Features Editor April 18, 2022

Many childhood memories are filled with Disney images: hugging a Winnie the Pooh stuffed animal, listening to a parent reading a Mickey Mouse story, watching a Toy Story movie and riding the “It’s a Small World” ride in Disneyland. Disney’s magic and pixie dust, while charming, has transformed...

Senior Saman de Silva: Classical Singer

Senior Saman de Silva: Classical Singer

Arjun Shah, Managing Editor March 4, 2022

In middle school, senior Saman de Silva never thought of himself as an artist. Instead, de Silva identified more with his academic interests. That all changed when he discovered classical singing in the summer after eighth grade. Classical singing encompasses both art song and opera. De Silva explained...

Graphic by Audrey Tseng

Representation within filmmaking industry remains relevant for students, wider audience

Julianna Chang and Jessica Zang February 12, 2020

Feb. 9 marks the 92nd Academy Awards, and out of the 20 actors and actresses nominated for the Oscars—as the Academy Awards are colloquially known—only two are people of color. Out of the five directors nominated, none are female. In other words, this year is no different from the Oscars...

Graphic by Shannon Lin

Remake vs. Original: Sherlock vs. Elementary

Nikki Suzani, Managing Editor November 1, 2019

When Sir Arthur Conan Doyle published “A Study in Scarlet” in 1887, he could have never anticipated the cultural phenomenon that his main character, Sherlock Holmes, would one day become. The book has spawned multiple TV shows and movies, including “Sherlock” (2010) and “Elementary”...

No: Single-gender organizations reflect outdated norms, practices

Joshua Yang, Forum Editor February 2, 2018

Last October, the Boy Scouts of America announced that they would be accepting girls into Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts. This decision lauded approval from many groups, including members of the Boy Scouts and local scout leaders. It also faced backlash, especially from the Girl Scouts of America, the female...

New Titan Pride Week aims to celebrate diversity, wellness

New Titan Pride Week aims to celebrate diversity, wellness

lizakolbasov December 8, 2017

Written by Liza Kolbasov During the week of Jan. 29, Gunn will have its first Titan Pride Week, a new celebration of school pride that incorporates ideas from the former Not in Our Schools (NIOS) week. It is being organized by Sources of Strength in conjunction with Student Executive Council...

Black History Month is undercelebrated at Gunn

Black History Month is undercelebrated at Gunn

epsteineric February 3, 2017

Written by Eric Epstein Since 1976, every February in America has been officially designated as Black History Month. Across the country, people take time to reflect on the contributions that African- Americans have made to America. Students are educated about the history of African-Americans and...

Q&A with Diversity Commissioners

clarakieschnickllamas February 3, 2016

Written by Clara Kieschnick-Llamas The Oracle: What do you do as Diversity Commissioner? Ridhaa Sachidanandan: We put on lots of events that are basically based towards diversity and inclusiveness on campus. It's basically making sure that every single student on this campus feels included and feels...

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