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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

Princess Project provides free prom dresses to students

haylsgo April 18, 2016

Written by Hayley Krolik Across the showroom, girls in prom dresses pose in front of mirrors and search racks for dresses. One girl rushes over to her friend to coordinate their dresses, while another writes a thank-you note to her fairy godmother for helping her find a dress. According to...

Q&A with popblogilates.N.A

Q&A with popblogilates.N.A

haylsgo February 26, 2016

The Oracle: What was your inspiration for the pop- blogilates account? Ainsley Roh: We followed this fitness person named Cassey Ho on YouTube. Nicole Nemychenkov: When I was younger I used to do a lot of sports, but as I got older I stopped. Ainsley introduced me to Cassey—Blogilates. We...

How to be a successful second semester senior

How to be a successful second semester senior

haylsgo January 29, 2016

Written by Hayley Krolik 8:25 a.m. is more of a loose guideline than an actual requirement to be at school. If you are running late you might as well enjoy a nice breakfast. Be spontaneous. Take adventurous trips to the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk in the middle of the week or spend a weekend in...

Spring spirit week has potential to be something special

haylsgo January 29, 2016

Written by Hayley Krolik According to Student Activities Director Lisa Hall, the last Spring Fling that utilized its full potential occurred six years ago. Since then, it has taken on various formats, such as those consisting of three dress-up days or just a block party at the end of the week....

PRO: Should PAUSD set aside more days off for religious holidays?

PRO: Should PAUSD set aside more days off for religious holidays?

The Oracle October 8, 2015

Written by Hayley Krolik Published in the October 8 2015 issue Although federal law separates church and state, public schools cannot blatantly ignore over half of their student bodies: according to Gallup polling, 60 percent of Americans find religion to be very important in their lives...

Staff appreciation week: Oracle staffers give teachers an A+

The Oracle September 9, 2015

Dear Mrs. Powell, On the first day of school, you told us that an orangutan could teach our class and we would still learn because we were talented, driven students. However, I disagree. Your students need you. Thank you for always being so understanding. Whenever I have approached you with a question,...

Acts of Random Kindness Club

Acts of Random Kindness Club

The Oracle March 12, 2015

Written by Hayley Krolik  Kindness is natural human virtue, so seniors Jessie Lwi and Amy Chen and junior Jonathan Zhang decided to create an entire club to showcase our community’s compassion: the Acts of Random Kindness (ARK) Club. They developed the idea for club at a camp, where a speaker talked...

Maccabi Haifa battles against the Bay Area

Maccabi Haifa battles against the Bay Area

The Oracle November 17, 2014

Maccabi Haifa is a professional Israeli basketball club that pairs diversity with the drive to learn and work hard. The club has players from many different backgrounds. One player, Demontez Stitt, played in the Atlantic Coast Conference at Clemson University in South Carolina. Many players who aren’t...

Memories of a Marine

Memories of a Marine

The Oracle November 17, 2014

Written by Shawna Chen and Hayley Krolik It was 1971 in California. Independent Studies teacher Ken Plough and his friends sat around the television watching the ping pong ball lottery system for the Vietnam draft. A ping pong ball was randomly fetched out of the deep glass jar, to determine the order...

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