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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

Palo Alto through the ages

Palo Alto through the ages

Fiona Xiong, Online Editor May 16, 2024

Downtown Palo Alto On July 6, 1925, the historic town of Mayfield —  along with California Avenue — was incorporated into Palo Alto, and the region later became known as Palo Alto’s “second downtown.” Downtown Palo Alto encompasses iconic locations such as the retro Palo Alto Creamery Fountain...

History of the Holocaust

History of the Holocaust

Annabel Honigstein, Forum Editor February 13, 2023

The Holocaust was a systematic extermination of 6 million Jews and other minority groups by the Nazi regime during World War II. The persecution started in 1933 when Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany. The genocide was committed through a network of concentration camps, death camps and ghettos. Jews—as...

Football plays importance in society, Gunn culture

Football plays importance in society, Gunn culture

Diya Bose-Malakar, Features Editor October 28, 2022

Over the past few decades in America, American football has surpassed baseball and basketball by a large margin in terms of viewers. According to NFL Football Operations, the 2022 Super Bowl LVI was the most popular televised football game, with over 112 million viewers—making it the most watched sporting...

Texts in humanities classes overplay white narrative

Texts in humanities classes overplay white narrative

Amann Mahajan, Editor-in-Chief March 8, 2022

Though student schedules may vary considerably throughout high school, history and English are two courses that typical Gunn students take all four years. These classes rely heavily on novels, articles or textbooks. In fact, a primary learning target in these classes is interpreting and analyzing writing....

Silicon Valley culture, course offerings undervalue humanities in favor of STEM

Silicon Valley culture, course offerings undervalue humanities in favor of STEM

Mia Knezevic and Michael Zhang, Forum and Photo Editor and Reporter February 11, 2022

Every February, students returning in the fall are tasked with choosing five to eight of the hundreds of courses offered. In doing so, students interested in the humanities may find their interests continually neglected by science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) culture—an imbalance...

The Times They Are A-Changin–Or Are They?

The Times They Are A-Changin–Or Are They?

Annika Bereny, Lifestyle Editor February 18, 2021

A young, left-leaning crowd clashes with an overmilitarized police department. Videos of police brutality and arrests flood the news. A moderate Democratic politician is up against a “law and order” Republican politician in a nail-biter of an election season. A beloved civil rights movement figurehead...

Pandemics affect daily life throughout time

Pandemics affect daily life throughout time

Nikki Suzani, Managing Editor March 25, 2020

In times of crisis, it can be rewarding to turn to history as a learning tool, helping to both avoid past mistakes and replicate past successes. As panic in response to COVID-19, a pandemic that recently caused the shutdown of all Palo Alto Unified School District schools till April 13, rises, this...

Humanities courses should limit eurocentric worldview

Humanities courses should limit eurocentric worldview

Nikki Suzani, Managing Editor October 9, 2018

Written by Nikki Suzani, Copy Editor Eurocentric. This four-syllable word encompasses a world of meaning and promotes values that are deeply inculcated into students’ minds due to the education they receive. In order for a course to be eurocentric, the course must be rooted in a European...

Silicon Valley: History of Google

chelsiepark May 19, 2017

By Chelsie Park Google is one of the most widely known companies in the world. Since its creation, Google has steadily taken over the internet as the world’s number one search engine. Google currently holds 89 percent of the search engine market share, with its many other services including email,...

Graphic by Elizabeth Zu

More advanced non-STEM classes can benefit all

chenganyi December 4, 2015

Written by Anyi Cheng There is just something that screams “science” about living in a place called Silicon Valley. Stationed in a city only a few miles away from big-brand tech companies like Oracle, Tesla and Apple, it comes as no surprise that Gunn is inordinately science, technology,...

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