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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

Tea party tips: How to organize a socially distanced tea party

Tea party tips: How to organize a socially distanced tea party

Safina Syed, Features Editor April 17, 2021

Location Although afternoon tea is traditionally hosted inside, when trying to social distance, an outside setting is preferable. Look for a location close by: a great option is any park in your area, or even a large backyard, as long as it's somewhere with enough space to spread out. Right now, it...

The Oracle's guide to independent exercise

The Oracle’s guide to independent exercise

Hila Livneh, Centerfold Editor September 29, 2020

Maintain a schedule. When training for a sport on your own, one of the key points is to maintain a schedule. Although it may be difficult, keeping a consistent routine is crucial in maintaining progress and building endurance. To start, train a few days of the week until you’re more comfortable...

Students should limit outings, be responsible on social media

Students should limit outings, be responsible on social media

Julianna Chang and Catherine Chu September 16, 2020

Santa Clara County has been held in suspense for more than half a year while facing multiple surges of COVID-19 cases. The months of social isolation and constant caution have been draining for us all. Fortunately, Santa Clara County moved from the “purple” to the “red” tier of California’s...

Five tips for spending time indoors while practicing social distancing

Five tips for spending time indoors while practicing social distancing

Dori Filppu, Reporter March 16, 2020

One of the most common questions among students after hearing about our month long break from school due to the coronavirus was “what will I do to pass the time?” For some, a month without school and extensive socializing may pose as a nightmare, lonely and boring. However, despite the serious circumstances,...

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