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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

The weight of gym culture: Student gym-goers experience ugly side of exercise

The weight of gym culture: Student gym-goers experience ugly side of exercise

Dan Honigstein, In-Depth Editor May 17, 2023

The rise of fitness-centered social media, the sheer number of local gyms and the popularity of school athletics have all contributed to the growth of fitness culture among Palo Alto teens. Some students workout together after school, turning their fitness ventures into social gatherings, while others...

Sports serve as source of fun, fitness for staff: Garlejo

Sports serve as source of fun, fitness for staff: Garlejo

ryanmanesh December 8, 2017

Written by Ryan Manesh With a demanding job that takes up the majority of the day, health tech nurse Joanna Garlejo searched for a way to manage her fitness while also successfully keeping up with her duties on campus. For her, the answer lies at the gym, which provides all the essentials she needs...

Sports Serve as a Source of Fun, Fitness for Staff: Joshua Little

epsteineric December 8, 2017

Written by Eric Epstein Freshman biology teacher Joshua Little is currently training for a half-marathon he plans to run in mid-January. Little used to stay active by swimming but has not been swimming as much recently. “I was a swimmer in high school, and for a year in college, so I really love...

8Fit App Review

8Fit App Review

bridgettegong February 3, 2017

Bridgette Gong 8fit is a free workout app available on both Android and Apple products that offers both personalized fitness and a variety of diet programs. My  two weeks of experience with this app have been successful, as a result of the extra guidance from several helpful features exclusive to...

Q&A with popblogilates.N.A

Q&A with popblogilates.N.A

haylsgo February 26, 2016

The Oracle: What was your inspiration for the pop- blogilates account? Ainsley Roh: We followed this fitness person named Cassey Ho on YouTube. Nicole Nemychenkov: When I was younger I used to do a lot of sports, but as I got older I stopped. Ainsley introduced me to Cassey—Blogilates. We...

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