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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

The weight of gym culture: Student gym-goers experience ugly side of exercise

The weight of gym culture: Student gym-goers experience ugly side of exercise

Dan Honigstein, In-Depth Editor May 17, 2023

The rise of fitness-centered social media, the sheer number of local gyms and the popularity of school athletics have all contributed to the growth of fitness culture among Palo Alto teens. Some students workout together after school, turning their fitness ventures into social gatherings, while others...

Yoga reduces stress, promotes healthy lifestyle

Yoga reduces stress, promotes healthy lifestyle

Dori Filppu, Features Editor September 29, 2020

As our community passes the six month period of shelter-in-place, it's increasingly important to maintain and care for both our mental and physical health. Amidst the lack of in-person interaction, it’s easy to feel unmotivated to be productive, particularly when it comes to exercise. Closed gyms,...

Shelter-in-place brings student a new appreciation for exercise

Angela Wong, News Editor May 22, 2020

It’s true, folks: the shelter-in-place order is among us, and there are only so many Netflix shows to binge-watch, sugar cookies to bake and Schoology updates to peruse. Luckily for us, though, spring is also upon us, and with it brings warm weather, cool breezes and excellent opportunities to exercise....

Vegan power foods for exercise

chelsiepark December 8, 2017

compiled by Chelsie Park Sweet potatoes are loaded with fiber, which is essential for controlling appetite, burning fat and maintaining healthy digestion. Oatmeal releases carbohydrates into the bloodstream, keeping energy levels consistent during workouts. Dates are high in glucose; as soon...

Should athletes be exempt from physical education? (Pro)

gtramack September 15, 2017

Written by Grace Tramack Exercising over six hours per day sounds insane, and it is even more ridiculous that this is a reality for some students. Currently, to meet the requirements of an Independent Study (a self directed class in which a student creates a project), a student must play a sport...

Dangers of Dehydration, Importance of Drinking Water

Dangers of Dehydration, Importance of Drinking Water

bridgettegong May 19, 2017

Bridgette Gong Importance of Hydration Word count: 811 Section: Sports   As the days get longer, so do the opportunities for physical activity and exercise. While it can be easy to get caught up in the moment and forget to prioritize health, it is crucial to remember to stay hydrated all the...

Open Water Swimming

Open Water Swimming

jackmallery May 19, 2017

By: Jack Mallery Alcatraz looms on the horizon in the early morning sun as senior Viraj Ghosh cuts through the surrounding icy waters with crisp strokes. While there is no tangible prize at the end of the grueling swim, the satisfaction from the achievement is enough to motivate him. To Ghosh, open water...

8Fit App Review

8Fit App Review

bridgettegong February 3, 2017

Bridgette Gong 8fit is a free workout app available on both Android and Apple products that offers both personalized fitness and a variety of diet programs. My  two weeks of experience with this app have been successful, as a result of the extra guidance from several helpful features exclusive to...

Q&A with popblogilates.N.A

Q&A with popblogilates.N.A

haylsgo February 26, 2016

The Oracle: What was your inspiration for the pop- blogilates account? Ainsley Roh: We followed this fitness person named Cassey Ho on YouTube. Nicole Nemychenkov: When I was younger I used to do a lot of sports, but as I got older I stopped. Ainsley introduced me to Cassey—Blogilates. We...

Staffers evaluate failed New Year’s resolutions: working out

yukiKB January 29, 2016

Written by Yuki Klotz-Burwell Like many people, I started 2015 aiming to eat healthier and exercise more. I downloaded an app to catalog my eating and exercise habits and, hopefully, my success. I was excited to work out more and become more fit, imagining how my progress would look. However, my first...

How to maintain better focus studying for finals

The Oracle December 8, 2015

Written by Barrett Zhang Ban electronics Banning electronics for the duration of studying may be hard but it helps reduce distractions for your studying process. Listen to relaxing music Listening to music can increase concentration, but usually only if the music does not contain lyrics....

Gym Class Heroes: Spin Class

pkale99 December 6, 2015

Written by Prachi Kale When I signed up for the spin class, I thought I knew what to expect. I had taken a few spin classes before, and most of them had similar environments and similar styles of workout routines. While this class did have both the classic peppy instructor and the spandex-clad middle-aged...

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