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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

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Official Student Newspaper of Henry M. Gunn High School

The Oracle

Photo by Mia Knezevic

Sports clubs offer students place to foster passions: Sports Basement Club

Jessica Wang, Editor-in-Chief October 4, 2019

Although Gunn doesn’t have a basement, it has a Sports Basement club. Every Wednesday at lunch, the club meets in room N-115 on the first floor of the N-building to discuss sports updates, play trivia games and watch highlights. The club has been chartered for four years, according...

Winter athletes maintain their competitive edge as season progresses: Dance team

Winter athletes maintain their competitive edge as season progresses: Dance team

lizakolbasov February 2, 2018

Written by Liza Kolbasov For most of their events throughout this year, the dance team has performed at sports games and rallies. However, the athletes are now preparing for a national competition, their biggest event of the year. For the competition, the team will use the same routine as they performed...

Season Review: Cheer

Season Review: Cheer

emmachiao1348 February 2, 2018

written by Emma Chiao The cheerleading team is closing out the season with multiple successful competition routines and an amazing night rally performance under their belt. Coach Jazmyn Turner’s focus was to build upon the team’s skills. “I think their strength has improved mentally,” she said....

Spring sports race through the start of their season: Badminton

Spring sports race through the start of their season: Badminton

amandalee828 March 31, 2017

Written by Amanda Lee The badminton team is enjoying early success, with a record of 4-2. Coach Marc Tsukakoshi believes that the team will do well the rest of the season based on their performance so far. “We played some of the stronger teams,” he said. “We haven’t played enough...

Spring sports race through the start of their season: Track and Field

Spring sports race through the start of their season: Track and Field

chelsiepark March 31, 2017

Written by Chelsie Park The season has just begun for the track and eld team with an unfortunate loss in their first meet against Homestead. However, the team is still optimistic about the rest of the season. “Our team as a whole is a pretty young team right now,” sprints captain senior Zachary...

Winter sports shoot for CCS: Girl's Soccer

Winter sports shoot for CCS: Girl’s Soccer

emmachiao1348 February 3, 2017

written by Emma Chiao With eight wins and zero losses, the girls’ soccer team is currently undefeated and first in the Santa Clara Valley Athletic league. The team hopes to maintain that title and qualify for CCS for the fourth year in a row. According to coach Juan Mayora, the team had a rough...

Boys Water Polo advances to CCS

Boys Water Polo advances to CCS

seungikshin November 4, 2016

  With a record of 11-0 in league, the boys’ water polo team beat Paly in the Santa Clara Valley Athletic League (SCVAL) championship over the weekend and earned the #2 seed in Division 1 for Central Coast Section (CCS). “It is an exciting time of the year,” Coach Matthew Johnson said, “our...

Fall Sports Updates: Girls’ Golf

Helen Nguyen September 9, 2016

Written by Helen Nguyen, News Editor With the new season of fall sports having arrived, the girls’ golf team is poised for a strong run. Junior Lydia Tsai is certain that the hard work they put in over the summer will produce successful results. “It’s normal for athletes to have ups and downs,...

December sports updates: Cross Country

katierrussell December 4, 2015

Written by Katie Russell Both girls’ and boys’ cross country teams competed at the Central Coast Section (CCS) final meet on Nov. 14. The girls’ team finished in fourth at CCS on Nov. 14, barely missing the cutoff to advance to the state meet. Senior Gillian Meeks, who won the title at CCS,...

December sports update: Girls’ Tennis

yukiKB December 4, 2015

Written by Yuki Klotz-Burwell For the first time since 2012, girls’ varsity tennis made CCS semifinals, earning fourth place. They lost to Menlo High School on Nov. 11. “We felt really good going in to CCS because we had won our league and won a few non-league matches with the league...

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